Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research of GEN George Washington, specifically focusing on leadership Essay

Research of GEN George Washington, specifically focusing on leadership qualities he possessed to become an effective leader and how he influenced the developmen - Essay Example Long overseas deployments and worsening situation in Iraq may soon affect the very sustainability of AVF. (Greenewalt, 1969) Thus, new ways have to be evolved to attract sufficient and suitable youth towards the AVF. The future leaders of this country will need all lessons of history to motivate the youth towards joining the AVF. Towards this end, applicability of leadership qualities displayed by Gen George Washington and President George Washington during Revolution and initial formative years of America cannot be overemphasized. The aspect that he was trusted unanimously and the fact that he managed to successfully lead the military revolution against England using a ill-trained, war-torn, disarrayed and demotivated army gives an insight of his capabilities to turn-around an adverse situation and achieve seemingly impossible results effectively. This study aims at bringing out various leadership traits of Gen George Washington which need to be studied and emulated by present and... Aim This study aims at bringing out various leadership traits of Gen George Washington which need to be studied and emulated by present and future generations of American leaders to effectively maintain military's present all voluntary structure and yet successfully achieve desired results more effectively. Brief Biography ( Born in 1732, George Washington, in his initial years, dreamt of mastering military art and western expansion while learning high morals and also gathered knowledge required by a Virginia gentleman. After working briefly for land survey, George Washington was commissioned as a Lieutenant Colonel in Virginia Militia in 1754. He fought French and Indian wars as an aide to Gen Edward Braddock. His experiences helped develop his skills to be a great military leader later needed in the fight for independence from England. During 1759 - 1775 until outbreak of revolution, Washington managed his lands around Mount Vernon. During protests with England for excess taxes, Washington firmly expressed his objections to British policies. While serving as a Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1775, he was unanimously elected Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. He took over command of his ill-trained troops and entered a war of independence lasting 8 years. Gen George Washington was a brave leader, using military tactics learned during formative years efficiently. Most importantly, he utilised the element of surprise besides maintaining morale of troops during most adverse conditions and turning them around to serve well-beyond stipulated engagement

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Big, The Bad, and the Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Big, The Bad, and the Monopoly - Essay Example In the ADM case, its size may have been to the detriment of the consumer and taxpayer, while Berkshire may have been an innovator that saved jobs and created economic opportunity. The motives behind the move toward large-scale corporate entities may be suspect, but big business is not the fault. In fact, big business can be a boon and is essential in promoting a healthier economy in today's global marketplace. Without big business, the world economy could not operate. Take the case of Intel and the development of the microprocessor. Certainly Intel dominated the market for years and has continued to do so. However, the product could not have been developed and manufactured by several smaller companies with the same expertise and cost factor that was available to Intel. Microsoft operating systems and PC manufacturers were quick to limit their source of goods and self promoted a product that consumers demanded. As the decades passed, consumers were treated to greater computing power and greatly reduced cost. Along with these benefits came the necessity of standardization. Though it seems the threat of monopoly existed, the results indicate otherwise. In the end, manufacturers were dedicated to selling products and not exploiting the marketplace. As Carson, Thomas, and Hecht contend, "Few can deny that product progress and relatively falling prices for most consumer and goods [...] have resulted only from the great capital concentration and large scale marketing strategies of big enterprise" (96). Few consumers would be happy to return to the early days of computing with its multiple operating systems, non-standardization, and inability to transport data across operating system formats. The concentrated big business effort has made the US computing industry one of the world's dominant industries. The downside of big business shows its force when price and production rates are regulated such that profits are maximized at the cost to the consumer. This, in reality, rarely occurs. The OPEC cartel was an attempt to stem production and raise prices based on a shortage of supply in the 1970s. However, market forces have a way of dealing with monopolistic actions. The North Sea began production and the Soviet Union peaked at 12 million barrels per day making it, a non-OPEC member, the world's top producer ("Supply"). The high price also made new technologies feasible that would have not been economical at the lower prices. These forces combined to increase supply and ultimately reduce prices. Cutthroat competition is often viewed as a predatory and monopolistic practice. Larger firms, with more capital, may undersell their competition at a loss in an effort to run them out of the marketplace. However, depending on the situation, it is often the smaller and more flexible companies that are able to compete in this environment. "[...] the smaller, more mobile firm, not burdened with heavy investments, that is able to "cut its costs" [...] and outcompete the larger firm. In such cases, of course, there is no monopoly-price problem whatever" (Rothbard). The government has the power to limit monopolistic practices, though tends to express its power at the political whim of the administration currently holding office (Carson, Thomas, and Hecht, 97). Add to this the factor that there are several government-protected monopolies in existence. The postal service may be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Manufacturing process of pizza

Manufacturing process of pizza Operations Our products at Prima Pizza will be produced in the kitchen area of the premises whilst our services will be offered at the front. Prima Pizza will adopt two main types of production. The first will be line production, as our pizzas will be made fresh, there will be a line of production. This is will be the employees that shape the dough into pizza bases. They will then pass the bases onto the employees that will add the required toppings onto the pizza and place them in the oven. The second method of production is batch production. This method will be used when producing the dough used for the pizza bases. Each day a set amount of dough will be made in order to satisfy customer demand. As dough can be stored overnight there will be no risk of over production or wastage. There will be three sets of batch production one for each size pizza. A number of measures will need to be taken to ensure Prima Pizza delivers the highest quality to its customers. There are many different ways to implement this. As Prima Pizza also offers a delivery service, our quality control will need to expand to outside of the business premises. Quality will ensure customer satisfaction and also save money. Quality control must be implemented in all aspects of the business and used by all employees. These techniques will include using all material responsibly and therefore reducing scrap material and wastage. The products must also be made to a certain quality level, if this is not done, products may have to be made again to satisfy customers. External quality control is also very important. Prima Pizza must maintain its quality even if the product has left the premises. This is especially important on deliveries, as the food must be of the same quality when it leaves the premises and when it arrives at its destination. Prima Pizza has estimated that from ordering a product it will take no longer than 20 minutes for the finished product to be made and given to the customer. We have estimated that for products on delivery the time will be no more than 45 minutes. Fresh goods will be delivered to Prima Pizzas premises everyday; this will include the majority of the pizza toppings and meat produce. Prima pizza will pride itself in ensuring that all our products are the freshest, and therefore the tastiest. Deliveries will be made every morning before the business opens. Other raw materials will be delivered twice a week depending on future product demand and stored in refrigerators or freezers. All employees must deliver our products to customers in a friendly and professional manner. This will be achieved by training our employees to focus on being customer friendly. Products must also be presented in attractive packaging that must remain undamaged. Manufacturing Methods There will be a range of activities involved in transforming raw materials into Prima Pizzas finished goods and then delivering the product to the customer. This cycle involves different stages, which include: inbound logistics, operations, and outbound logistics. Manufacturing process for a pizza: Goods received- raw materials required for the manufacture of pizza bases and the tomato base sauce. Mix dough ingredients. Blend tomatoes together. Kneaded in the dough machine. Mix all the ingredients for base sauce. Storing the dough balls in the right temperature for base. Store the tomato base sauce ready for use. Finished goods: dough ready to be rolled out into base. Apply tomato sauce onto base then add required toppings. Logistics Logistics is the process in which goods are transformed into products ready for customers. Prima Pizzas logistics will involve the regular delivery of goods that through a process of stages will eventually become ready for consumption. Logistics can be split into two, inbound logistics and outbound logistics. These two types, mentioned in more detail later on, are very different. Inbound logistics is the transportation and storage of the raw materials. Outbound logistics is based on the process of transferring the finished goods to the customers. Logistics is very important when running a business. Very often the outcome of a new business is determined by how well their logistics system works. Inbound Logistics This involves receiving our raw materials from the suppliers. The suppliers will deliver fresh goods daily to the business premises. When the goods are received all the employees on shift will help sort and store the received goods. The majority of the raw materials will be stored in the kitchen refrigerators ready to be used. Operations The raw materials will be transformed into the finished products. The dough ingredients will be put into the dough mixer and on completion will be ready to be made into the pizza bases. The topping will be removed from the refrigerators and distributed into containers ready to be used. Outbound Logistics The activity will include two aspects of Prima Pizza. As the business is a fast food takeaway, the products will be served at the counter. As this time the customer can choose to either eat-in of take the product away with them. Delivery service will an important part of Prima Pizzas service. To enable us to provide the pizzas at the highest quality, we must ensure that the packaging used to will keep the product in the same condition it was when it was first made. We will also aim to minimize the travel time it takes to get to the destination.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Book Report On 1984 By George Essay -- essays research papers

The book starts off with an interesting first sentence â€Å"the clocks were striking 13.† To me this was unusual because there is no 13 on a clock and it is usually considered an unlucky number. I thought it was kind of weird and different compared to what kind of world we are living in today. This is because in London the province of Oceania is where our first and main character Winston Smith lives. There are signs reminding citizens that Big Brother is always watching. Big Brother is the leader of the party in which Winston is a part of as well as all the people of Oceania. Winston Smith is about 39 and has on ulcer on his left ankle. He had to wear blue overalls as a rule of the party. He lives in Victory Mansions by himself. One vocabulary word that I didn’t know I found on page 6, eddies, which is a current air running contrary to the main current. Also on page 6 I learned that in this place where Winston lives they use what is called a telescreen which watches and hears everything everyone is doing. There is a telescreen placed in every corner of every room. This telescreen could not be turned off. If you are heard thinking of something the Big Brother does not want you to think then you will be punished by the Thought Police. This punishment could be death or a sentence of 25 years in a forced labor camp. You had to keep your feelings to yourself and try to hide them from the Thought Police. â€Å"Your worst enemy is your own nervous system,† (page 67) this is something you hear all the time from criminals who say their self conscious got to them. There are three slogans of the party, theses slogans are War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. Not everyone is a member of the Party. Only about 20% of the people of Oceania are involved in the party. Most people living in Oceania are living in slums. The people are given a small amount of coupons to trade in for clothing, food or anything else they needed. On page 8 we find out the 4 most important buildings in Oceania. They are the four Ministries, which are all government buildings. They are the Ministry of Peace, which is concerned with war. The Ministry of Truth is concerned with news, entertainment, education and the arts. The Ministry of Love maintains law and order. The Ministry of Plenty is responsible for economic affairs. Each ministry had its own concerns and problems. I agree w... ...fter saying this, Winston is eventually let back into the world to work and live. They gave him a new look and a new job. Winston looked different because of all the scars and bruises he had suffered from being beaten in the jail. Winston then begins to love his new life and enjoys every minute of it. He is also now a good member of the party, doing everything he is suppose to, and not thinking for himself. He is thinking just like the party had taught him. He had found Julia at a restaurant, and they went to the park to talk. They both had turned against each other and decided it was best for them not to be involved anymore. It was mostly because they did not have the physical attraction to each other anymore as they used to. They both had changed because of being beaten in jail. A few days later an announcement comes onto the telescreen saying they have won the war and defeated Eurasia. People crowded into the street to cheer on the victory of the party. Winston jumped for joy and that’s when the Thought Police had seen on the telescreen and had realized that Winston was cured and a real member of the party. He had loved Big Brother and then he was shot from behind and killed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gave willingly to the company Essay

In my own personal experience I found that in Ikea there were many divorcees and single people. There were also an unusually high number of couples that had met through Ikea and then worked together in the same building. Some of the divorcees openly blamed their relationship break-up on the fact that they work for Ikea; their partners simply did not understand the commitment, in terms of time, that they gave willingly to the company. My own relationship with my partner started to suffer quite soon after the initial 3-month period, I had bonded with my new colleagues and I was enthusiastic and committed to this new way of working my attitude to work and my commitment had changed in favour of Ikea (Festinger, 1957). As a manager it was encouraged that examples should be set by giving that little bit extra to help co-workers across the store, so for example; if the tills were busy at the end of the evening it was an unspoken rule that all managers should stay until closing time to help clear the backlog of customers, this sometimes meant leaving the store an hour and a half after the official end of the day. I found it difficult to go against the norm as everyone else appeared to take it for granted, I wanted to leave at my normal time of 6.00pm but found it impossible to do so when my colleagues were staying behind and helping out. Solomon Asch describes this type of behaviour as yielding (Gross, 1996: Ch 20) conforming to group pressure. Festinger talks about the five conditions for increased fervour in a belief following the disconfirmation of a belief, this is comparable to an example when a close friend of mine at Ikea (store manager) had been working hard and consequently there had been some irrevocable conflict within his marriage about the job and the expectations of Ikea. After his initial split with his wife he dealt with her condemnation of Ikea by â€Å"spreading the word of Ikea† with increased enthusiasm and renewed passion, he saw the Ikea family as his support network and this reliance on the company and Ikea â€Å"family members† simply reinforced the belief in his decision (Festinger, 1959) of ending his marriage. On a similar personal level my job and my alliance to it became an increasing problem at home. My behaviour changed at home, I made excuses about going into work early and staying late. In the initial few months I found myself defending Ikea as I felt so close to my new colleagues and didn’t want to let them down, however as time went on I realised that I missed the quality time with my partner and I saw that my priorities had become affected by my commitment to work. At work I saw friends splitting up with their partners because of similar reasons and then justifying their action by criticising their relationship. This type of validation for their behaviour resembles what Festinger wrote about in â€Å"When Prophecy Fails†. Where dissonance is rationalised through the support of your fellow believers (in this case fellow co-workers). After 12 months I sustained an injury that lead to a back operation and this period away from work (3 months) gave me time to reflect on my time there and started to see how I had been influenced by the Ikea way and how I had conformed to this way incredibly fast. Conformity involves a change of behaviour or opinion in order to fit in with a group. According to Crutchfield â€Å"Conformity is a yielding to group pressure when there is no direct request to comply with the group. † (Gross, 1996: 479). However according to Zimbardo & Leippe † Conformity is a change in belief or behaviour in response to real or imagined group pressure where there is no direct request to comply with the group norm. † (Gross, 1996:479). Majority influence is when a larger group influences a smaller group or individual. Although Asch was generally concerned with how one can resist majority influence and pressure, his experiments are generally deemed to exhibit the power of majority influence. Similar to the influence of the majority found in Ikea. Needless to say upon my return I decided to leave Ikea and 3 months later I moved to another job with a different company. In the first few weeks I felt a great sense of great loss almost a grief my regrets were therefore twofold, I felt a regret of leaving the fold of Ikea and also a regret that conflicted with this and that was of not realising sooner my behavioural and attitude changes that had affected my personal life. In summing up this paper we have looked at Ikea and how its culture was aligned to sociological groups. We have covered the way of working within this organisation and how this relates to conformity and group influence again drawing parallels to similar sociological findings. It has been interesting journey to relate this instance where my own personal experience has been influenced by the belonging of a group, especially a group with such strong cultural roots as Ikea. The analogies found in this paper make it more understandable as to how social influences can have such wide-ranging affects on individuals. And how many situations (from the impact of TV on the masses through to major historical events such as the rise of Nazism) can arise. It certainly makes the self and our interaction with others food for thought. References (Festinger, 1957) Gross, 1996: 448 â€Å"cognitive dissonance theory†. Gross, R. (1999). The Science of Mind and Behavior. (3rd Ed). Hodder & Stoughton. Press) (Festinger, 1959)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Death Penalty Essay

Capital punishment or also known as death penalty is the killing of an individual by a state which serves as punishment for committing unlawful actions and retribution on behalf of the victims. Several countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, Japan and the United States have retained this process of executing criminal. Different views regarding this issue have arisen but most people especially those governed by religious sectors have went up against the idea of death penalty. Death penalty has already gained its popularity worldwide. In fact, it was often the theme in any debate or even the usual conversation, thus lead to the emergence of several arguments which are in favor and against death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Implementation of death penalty has several advantages. Death penalty provides closure to the victim’s families. It was very hard for family members of the victim to forget the traumatic experience and recover form the loss of a loved one. In fact there are cases that the relatives of the victim do not recover at all. This sort of closure is a great help for the recovery of the relatives. Life in prison is not enough punishment compare to death sentence which gives finality to the horrifying experience felt by the members of the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In death penalty, justice is better served. The primary principle of justice is that a crime deserves an equivalent punishment. Hence, when someone brutally murders another person, he deserves to be put into death. Just like what the code of Hammurabi have stated, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Implementation of death penalty prevents the crime from happening again. If criminals are not put into death, we are not assured that this kind of person would not do such crimes again. On the other hand, death penalty can execute all criminals but there are cases that implementation of death penalty may include execution of an innocent man. Do you mind an innocent individual will suffer from death? Implementation of death penalty is a good way of obtaining â€Å"justice† but can we call it justice—killing an innocent. Another argument against death penalty is that it is arbitrary and capricious. Implementation of death penalty often favours well-off individuals or people who have money. How about the poor ones? Only the rich are able to afford a highly competent lawyer, thus makes the process unfair. Those accused people who are struggling from poverty cannot pay good attorneys thus making their chances of being acquitted very little. See how unfair it was? Even appealing to court was not possible. There are even cases that convicted wealthy persons pay the judge with a very big amount of money in order to become free of death penalty. Death penalty is geographically contingent which that it depends on state to sate. Maybe for this place, death penalty is not implemented but on others it is strictly performed. Death penalty also is racist and classist in nature. Race really makes a big difference when it comes to the implementation of death execution. For an instance, a black murdered a white victim. The black will executed 4 times than any other races. Still racial discrimination is dominant. That becomes a big problem of implementation of death penalty. One cannot avoid looking at races. Everyone is created equally by a supreme being– God; hence one must receive equal rights and equal opportunities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some will surely say that implementation of death penalty can reduce crimes because of the fear of death. That belief is not true. It is not true due to the fact that some people commit crimes when they are not on the good state of mind. How can they think of fear of death if they cannot think rationally?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We have presented both the pros and cons of death penalty. Death penalty is good in some ways but also awful in some other manner. Every human has different perspective regarding this social issue. Death penalty may be good for some but some would surely disagree with it. What is important is we respect everybody’s opinion. Work Cited Gregory, David L. â€Å"2000.Legal Arguments Against the Death Penalty. 2 April 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   <>. Messerli, Joe. â€Å"November 11, 2007. Should the death penalty be banned as a form of punishment?†. 2 April 2008 <>.